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Trzsknyvezett neve: Dilan
Beceneve: Dilan
Marmagassga: 160 cm
Neme: Kanca
Szletsi dtuma: 2002.04.24.
Fajtja: Dn melegvr
Tulajdonsgai: Nagyon gyes s knnyen kezelhet paci, igazn energikus s trlel mozgsa van, knnyen irnythat s a segtsgekre is gyorsan reagl. Kiegyenslyozott paci s imd versenyezni. Nagyon bartsgos a tbbi pacival s az emberekkel is.
Engedlyek, papprok
Trzsknyve: van / nincs
Trzsknyvezett neve: Dilan
Rajtengedlye: van / nincs
tlevele: van / nincs
Tenyszengedlye: van / nincs
Apja: XV. Platinum Hohes
Anyja: Dance Star
Utdai: Miss Mandarine
Be van lovagolva: igen / nem / folyamatban
Djlovagls *****
Djugrats *****
Magasiskola *****
Neve: Wiki
E-mail cme: vviki4@freemail.hu
Versenyez: igen / nem / ritkn / nyugdjazott
Ha igen akkor most: aktv / pihenn van
Versenyez vele: Wiki
Edzsterve: KATT
Minstsei: 11ELITE, 4GOOD, 3NICE, The Best Dressage Horse, Champion Dressage Horse, Indoor Dressage 4th Horse, The BEST Savorias Dressage, DW Champion, The Best Horse, Legszebb L, Nice Mare in Dressage, ONe OF The 2Horse Cup's, Good Horse, Horse in The Dressage Rectangle, Nice Bay Horse, Paradise Horse, Top 10 Dressage Horse, Elkpeszt Pros Ferrero Ardennessel, Professional Dressage Horse of I. Race Wish Big Racin' Days, Champion of Race Wish, The Most Beautiful Dressage Appearance Horse of I. Race Wish Big Racin' Days, 2nd Placed Champion Appearance Horse I. Race Wish Big Racin' Days, One of the Most Beautiful Appearance Horse of I. Race Wish Big Racin' Days, Champion Dressur Horse Schwer, 1st in Brillant Kupa Herbst, 2nd Placed in Paradise Grand Prix, Verry Good Dressage Horse, 6st Placed in Scott Championship, Best Dressage Horse in Chiaro di Luna, Beaztiful Dressage Horse in CdO,Profi Djl, 3rd in February & March Dressage, Nice Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend, 3rd on Warum Weekend, Beautiful Dressage Horse in CdO, Best Dressage Horse, Pamplemousse Champion, Good Dressage Horse in 50th Competition, Good Horse in Dressage Category, 2nd on 50th Competition of WNLK, Nice Hard Dressage Horse, Novelle Lune Champion, 2nd Dressage Cup in Milano, 4th Placed of Bay Horses Competition, 2. helyezett djlovaglsban az I. Salyza Kupn, Rose Earth Champion, 1st Appearance Horse, Jobb djl halad kategriban, Good Horse in Cassander Respect Competition, The Nice One Dressage Horse in Dressage with Colours, , Good Dressage Horse, 4rd Paced on Dressage at Dawn in Professional Cathegory, Gorgeus horse in the Sporthorses Nght, Best Sport Horse, 1st in Sportlovak Napja in Alta, BEST
( 10 db els hely, 15 db msodik hely, 9 db harmadik hely, 12 db ms, 46 db ssz)
![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan2ddd2d67_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan3dd8731a_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan4dd8e625_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan5ddb54c4_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan6dd07eb3_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan7dd9e6c2_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan8dd0433d_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan9ddcf0ec_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan10dd5a284_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan11dd02909_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan1dde9cb2_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan2dd2a007e_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan3dd3593d3_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan4dd4b02fc_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan5dd59c1dc_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan6dd695983_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan7dd7ad868_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan8dd882697_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan9dd9191ad_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img7.myimg.de/dilan10dd1075aeb_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img8.myimg.de/dilanndd5c115_thumb.jpg) ![](http://img8.myimg.de/dilann2dd8abac_thumb.jpg)
Nyeremnyei: KATT