Red de la Rosa
Fontosabb adatok
Trzsknyvezett neve: Red de la Rosa
Beceneve: Rose
Marmagassga: 163 cm
Neme: Kanca
Szletsi dtuma: 2001.08.27.
Fajtja: Dn melegvr
Tulajdonsgai: Nagyon j mozgs energikus l, szereti a nehz feladatokat, figyelmes s mindig trelmes. A felptse hibtlan, ugrani is egsz j stlusba tud.
Engedlyek, papprok
Trzsknyve: van / nincs
Trzsknyvezett neve: Red de la Rosa
Rajtengedlye: van / nincs
tlevele: van / nincs
Tenyszengedlye: van / nincs
Apja: fonya
Anyja: Pink de la Rosa
Utdai: Milky Way Boy, Mighty Magick
Be van lovagolva: igen / nem / folyamatban
Djlovagls *****
Neve: Wiki
E-mail cme:
Versenyez: igen / nem / ritkn / nyugdjazott
Ha igen akkor most: aktv / pihenn van
Edzsterve: KATT
Minstsei: 10ELITE, Gynyr Srga Kanca, Gynyr, A legjobb srga djl, Indoor Dressage 4th Horse, Beautiful Dressage Horse, Gold Savorias Apperancem, Cs-MixCup Nice Dressage Horse, DW Champion, Legszebb L, The Best Horse, Silver Dressage Horse, Best Chestnut Racehorse, Victorious Horse, Champion of the PonyIsland, Very Good Chestnut Racehorse, 2nd Placed of the PonyIsland, Temperamentumos Nehzosztly Kategris L, 4h in Grand Prix Special, Perfect Horse of Leeuwarden, Silver Medallist Appearance Horse, Better Dressage Horse, Nice Free Jumping Mare in DLVP, 3rd in Domino Free Jumping Cup, Better Top 10 Dressage Horse, Elkpeszt Pros Niob-vel, J Profi Szint Djl, DVP Champion, Horse in Dressage WNLK World Cup, 3rd in I.WNLK World Cup, 1st Placed in Pro, Darius de Azevedo Champion, Best Forward Dressage Horse, GOOD, Good Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend, 2nd on Warum Weekend, Best Dressage Horse in 50th Competition, The Best Horse in Dressage Category, 1st on 50th Competition of WNLK, Absolute Winner in 50th Competition of WNLK, 4th Placed of Competition for Paradie Isle, 1st Dressage Cup in Milano, Beautiful Horse in Pace, 2nd Placed of IV. Only One Picture Appearance, 3rd Dressage Horse, The Best One Dressage Horse in Dressage with Colours, NICE, NICE Professional Dressage Horse in HDC.Fontaine LP, 3rd in HDC.Fontaine LP, 7th placed of On The Top Djlovagl Kupa, Champion Dressage Horse in RTD, 1st Placed in Adwanced Category, Nice, Good Dressage Horse, 3rd on World Cup in Spain
( 10 els hely, 8 msodik hely, 7 harmadik hely, 6 ms helyezs, 31 sszesen )
Kllem, szabadonugrs:
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7. hely a GPLN Express Dressag Cup-on:
50.000 lovardai fizeteszkz
2. hely a XVI. Kllem Versenyen:
Gynyr Srga Kanca
Gynyr cm
1.800.000 alp
1. hely a Colour Category Dressage Cup-on:
A legjobb srga djl
1.500.000. lbp
4. hely az Indoor Dressage versenyen:
- Indoor Dressage 4th Horse
40.000 alp
1. hely az I. Imperial Djl Kllemen srga kategriban:
cmek: elite, beautiful dressage horse
+750.000 lovardabeli pnz+
3. hely a Day 'N' Night-on kllemen tarkehneni, dn melegvr, magyar flvr kategriban:
+ GOLD Savorias Apperance
+ 500.000.-
4. hely a Mix Cup-on djlovaglsban:
500.000.HUF+/Cs-MixCup Nice Dressage Horse
![(48.9 KB)](
1. hely az I. Tavaszksznt sszetett Gln djlovagls halad kategriban:
- DW Champion
- The best horse
- Legszebb L
- 10.000.000 lbp
+ Silver Dressage Horse
+ ELITE cm
+ 800.000.-
1. hely a Chestnut Horses Competition-on djlovagls ktegriban
- Best Chestnut Racehorse
- Victorious Horse
- Champion of the PonyIsland
- 10.000.000 lbp
2. hely a Chestnut Horses Competition-on kllem ktegriban
- Very Good Chestnut Racehorse
- 2nd Placed of the PonyIsland
- 8.000.000 lbp
4. hely a Grand Prix Special versenyen nehzosztly kategriban:
Temperamentumos Nehzosztly Kategris L
4h in Grand Prix Special
+40.000 Ft
Perfect Horse of Leeuwarden
Silver Medallist Appearance Horse
300.000 lbp
Better Dressage Horse
100.000 lbp
Nice Free Jumping Mare in DLVP
3rd in Domino Free Jumping Cup
40.000 Ft
Better Top 10 Dressage Horse
Elkpeszt Pros Niob-vel cm
3. hely az Internationale Dressur versenyen profi kategriban a oldalon:
- J Profi szint Djl
- DVP Champion
- 25.000 alp
Horse in Dressage WNLK World Cup
3rd in I.WNLK World Cup
600.000 ft
500 000 Ft
1st Placed in Pro
Darius de Azevedo Champion
Best Forward Dressage Horse
300.000 ft
Good Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend
2nd on Warum Weekend
200.000 ft
Best Dressage Horse in 50th Competition
The Best Horse in -kategria neve angolul- Category
1st on 50th Competition of WNLK
800.000 ft
Absolute Winner in 50th Competition of WNLK
50.000 ft
4th Placed of Competition for Paradie Isle
50.000 lbp
1st Dressage Cup in Milano cm
1.000.000.- HUF
Beautiful Horse in Pace
2nd Placed of IV. Only One Picture Appearance
200.000 lbp
3th Dressage Horse
250.000.- HUF
The Best One Dressage Horse in Dressage with Colours
500.000 ft
NICE Professional Dressage Horse in HDC.Fontaine LP
3rd in HDC.Fontaine LP
100 000 ft
7th placed of On The Top Djlovagl Kupa
Champion Dressage / Show Jumping Horse in RTD
1st Placed in Beginner/ Adwanced/ Professional Category
1.000.000 HUF
NICE,Good Dressage Horse
3rd on World Cup in Spain
300.000 ft